BonniDune Kennel is located in
Southern Indiana, USA. Although I started
with German Shepherd Dogs, today BonniDune is
dedicated to showing, trialing and producing
sound, versatile Border Collies.
BonniDune is proud to be recognized as an AKC Breeder of Merit.

Puppies Born December 25, 2013

How Long Is Your Agility Border Collie Crated For?


Agility is an exciting and demanding sport that requires dogs to navigate through various obstacles with speed and precision. Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence and athleticism, making them excellent candidates for agility training. However, while training and competing, it is essential to consider the amount of time your agility Border Collie spends crated.

The Importance of Crate Time

Crating an agility Border Collie serves several purposes. Firstly, it provides a safe and comfortable space for your dog to rest and relax between training sessions or competitions. Additionally, crating allows you to control your dog’s environment, preventing them from getting into mischief or potentially injuring themselves in your absence.

Creating a Balanced Schedule

When determining how long your agility Border Collie should be crated, it is crucial to strike a balance between crate time, exercise, and mental stimulation. These highly energetic dogs require ample opportunities to burn off their energy and engage their minds. A typical daily schedule for an agility Border Collie might include:

1. Exercise and Training Sessions

Border Collies excel in agility due to their high energy levels and intelligence. As such, they require daily exercise and training to keep them physically and mentally fit. Aim for at least 1-2 hours of exercise, which can include activities like running, playing fetch, or participating in agility training sessions.

2. Mental Stimulation

Border Collies are highly intelligent dogs that thrive on mental stimulation. Incorporate activities like puzzle toys, obedience training, or interactive games to keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom.

3. Rest and Relaxation

After intense exercise and mental stimulation, it is crucial to provide your agility Border Collie with sufficient rest and relaxation time. This is where crate time comes into play. Depending on your dog’s age, physical condition, and individual needs, crate time can vary. As a general guideline, adult dogs can comfortably handle 4-6 hours of crate time during the day, whereas puppies may require more frequent breaks.

Considerations for Longer Crating Periods

In certain situations, such as during competitions or when you need to be away for extended periods, your agility Border Collie may need to be crated for longer durations. In such cases, it is essential to make the crate a comfortable and stimulating environment. Ensure your dog has access to water, a cozy bed, and some interactive toys to keep them entertained. Additionally, consider arranging for someone to check on your dog and provide short breaks for exercise and bathroom breaks if necessary.


Properly managing crate time is crucial for the well-being of your agility Border Collie. Balancing exercise, mental stimulation, and rest is essential to keep your dog happy and healthy. Remember to adjust crate time based on your dog’s age, physical condition, and individual needs. By creating a well-rounded schedule, your agility Border Collie can thrive both on and off the course.

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